Tips List

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IA Tips

Tips for copy pasting to save your fingers, now including pretty pink coding!

&d Tip: /home set [name] at your base, then /home [name]! See /home help for other options!

&d Tip: If you find griefing, create a ticket! /ticket create I found griefing!

&d Tip: If you want to claim a region ask a mod or file a ticket at the location! Don't forget to mark the corners with blocks!

&d Tip: /spawn if you're stuck!

&d Tip: You can set up to 5 homes! See /home help for more details!

&d Tip: Need newb gear? Type /kit to get access to our kits!

&d Tip: Try /L for local chat around you! /g to return to global chat!

&d Tip: Want some place new? Try the diorite Wild Portal at spawn or /rtp!

&d Tip: Reading is fun! Make sure you read the server rules at spawn!

&d Tip: There's a lot of information on the Novylen Wiki

&d Tip: Bored? Try the brewery! Check the tavern at spawn for more info!

&d Tip: /rg info or right click a wooden sword to check for protections!

&d Tip: Magical spells locking chests?! Check out /lwc for more info!

&d Tip: /cmodify [nameplayer] to add a friend to a chest protection!. /cpersist to add them to multiple!

&d Tip: /chopper to allow hoppers into chests!

These are all the tips we have atm. Thank you Shut1tdown!