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Warning: the content of this page is very old, and is likely not accurate as of 2021.

=Citizens is Obsolete=

Citizens is a NPC plugin that donators can use.

Creating an NPC

Warning: This will cost 20pence (even if you fail the command)

First decide a name for the NPC.

Then type "/npc create <name>".

The NPC will be created at your current location.

Type "/npc" to get it's ID. Make a note of the ID it gives you.

Adding Text To Your NPC

Make sure your NPC is selected (it will be by default). If it not already selected, type "/npc select <id>".

Now type "/npc text". This will load the NPC text editor.

Typing "close" (without the "/" ) will allow the NPC to talk to close players.

Typing "add" (without the "/" ) will allow the next text entered to be stored in the NPC's vocabulary

Typing "edit" (without the "/" ) will bring up a list of the NPC's vocabulary. Type the number you want to edit, then enter the new text.

Typing "random" (without the "/" ) will let the NPC use a random entry of it's vocabulary. (Would usually go in sequence)

Typing "npc text" (without the "/" ) will exit the text editor.


Make sure your NPC is selected (it will be by default). If it not already selected, type "/npc select <id>".

Now type "/npc path". This will load the path editor.

Left click on the ground where you want the NPC to travel to.

Right click to remove point.

Type "/npc path" again to exit the path editor.


Most of these command require the NPC to be selected. If it not already selected, type "/npc select <id>".


To get the selected NPC to look at close players type "/npc lookclose".


to rename the selected NPC type "/npc rename <name>".


To delete a NPC type "/npc despawn <ID>".


Using --type on /npc create in a region with mod spawns off will create a blank NPC but still charge.