Mod Manual V2

From Novylen Minecraft
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This is what I do whenever I log into the game nowadays:

1. Lobby -- There are a couple of things to check in the lobby, but this isn't too important and can be skipped if you're short on time. Essentially: (1) Refill the minecart, spyglass, and golden apple dispensers. (2) Check the antfarm for any swastikas/hate symbols. (3) Check the library for any weird and wacky books people have written. (4) Check the freebuild area up above the parkour.

2. SMP -- LAG The first thing I'll do is check /mspt. If the average MSPT >50 for the last few minutes, the server is lagging. The standard way to fix this is - do /rcd start 500 then wait for the process to finish. Once it's done do /rcd list and check out each location. Disable clocks, turn off farms kept running, and kindly ask people to turn off machines if you need. The second thing to check is /mfm list. If it shows >=100 entities in any area I'll usually just run around with a sword killing useless mobs for a bit to thin things out. Finally, if things are getting really bad, you can /forceall /warp topside to unload problematic chunks, or run a /timings report to diagnose the issue. Doing a /broadcast asking people to stop exploring/running grinders also sometimes helps.

SPAWN Spawn requires some maintanance. Basically I will check for stealing here:

- The dograffe honeypot.
- The netherite block honeypot.
- The sign chest next to the noticeboard.
- The Technoblade memorial.
- Scouter's Casino
- The public farm near the notice boards (should be replanted fully).

Next, there are some common griefing/trolling targets:

- The noticeboards (also clean it up if it's getting full).
- The flags (pride flag, Ukraine, etc).

Finally, I'll update the maps that show what topside looks like from above, and do a bit of a general fly-around to spot griefing.

SPOT CHECKS Try to do a quick tp to everyone who's online. I don't discriminate - everyone gets a spot check unless they're literally a mod. I'm looking for:

- Leather-armoured noobs that could be griefing/trolling.
- Anyone using a possible afk script.
- People mining (check for X-ray if they are).

If anyone is suspicious I'll write their username down somewhere and then do a /co lookup username t:7d a:-block e:stone later.

TICKETS Finally, do tickets last, use discretion. Anyone you need to communicate with can be more reliably talked to with /letter than with ./tickets note.

3. Creative -- This is the last place I'll check before logging off. You want to do a /plotme auto to find the most recent place people would be building at. Then, unclaim that plot (you won't be using it) and do a quick fly-around for:

- Hate symbols.
- Phalluses
- Lag machines

Those are the main way people will troll/grief in creative. Again this can probably all be skipped if you're time poor.

4. Discord -- Lastly I think it's a good idea to check through discord. You'll want to:

- Check #joins and look at usernames and profile pictures/discriptions.
- Check #bans and complaints, and #suggestion box to see if there's anything you can attend to there.
- Quick scan of #radio and LISTEN to the gifs because otherwise sus stuff can pass through un-noticed.
- Quick scan of other channels, looking for spam/nitro scams/arguments where you can ask people to chill out.

I probably do this once a day, most issues will have people notify you with a ping anyway so it's not a huge deal if this doesn't get done.