
From Novylen Minecraft
Revision as of 01:49, 13 December 2021 by Arin3 (talk | contribs)
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/bottle get [amount|Max]
Turns [amount] bottles into the same number of Bottles o' Enchanting.
Requires [amount] bottles in your inventory, and enough experience, to use.

/bottle store [amount]
Stores [amount] levels of experience in a single Bottle o' Enchanting.
Requires an empty bottle in your inventory, and [amount] levels of experience, to use.

/bottle until [level]
Tells you how many Bottles o' Enchanting you require to reach [level].


/queue [smp|lobby|creative|temp]
Places you in a queue to teleport to the specified world.

Teleports you to the world spawn.

Checks the ticks per second in your current world.
Higher is better; 20 is typical.

Lists the server's plugins.

Lists commands from various plugins.
Many plugins have a '/pluginname help' variety as well.

Tells you which world you are in, and lists other worlds.

Links you to the Novylen Buycraft Page, where you can donate to the server owner.
NB: Donations are currently paused.


/bal [playername]
Tells you the net worth of [playername] in amethysts (server currency).

Tells you the top 10 richest players on the server.

/pay [playername] [amount]
Transfers [amount] amethysts (server currency) to [playername].

/bank [withdraw|deposit] [amount]
Deposits/withdraws [amount] amethysts (server currency) into your bank.
Helps stop players bankrupting you through excessive chest shop selling.

Tells you your bank balance.


Tells you the itemid of the block or item held in your on-hand.
Useful for setting up chest shops.


/warp [warpname]
Teleports you to the location titled [warpname].

/warp top
Lists the top 10 most visited warps.

/warp owner [warpname]
Tells you the creator of the warp [warpname].


Lists kits you have access to.
Kits have a 1hr cooldown before they can be used again.

/kit tools
Gives you a wooden sword, shovel, axe and pickaxe.

/kit food
Gives you a hoe, 2x wheat seeds, 2x pumpkin seeds and 2x melon seeds.

/kit torches
Gives you 5 torches.

/kit death
Try it, I dare you.

/kit stonetools
Restricted to donator rank or higher.
Gives you a stone shovel, axe and pickaxe, and an iron sword.

/kit moretorches
Restricted to donator rank or higher.
Gives you 20 torches.


/lwc /cprivate /cpublic /cdonation /cpassword [password] /cmodify /cunlock /cinfo /climits /cremove /cremoveall /cpersist /cdroptransfer /credstone [on|off] /cmagnet [on|off] /cexemption [on|off] /cautoclose [on|off] /callowexplosions [on|off] /chopper [on|off] /chopperin [on|off] /chopperout [on|off]


/msg [playername] [message]
Sends a private [message] to [playername] if they are online.

/r [message]
Sends [message] to the most recent player to /msg you this session, if they are online.


note to add the /home commands to GWarp