Mod Manual
/kit modtools = gives all you need to succeed!
Wooden Sword = Right click to check regions
Wooden Axe = Left and Right click to assign positions
Wooden Pickaxe = Right click to check blocklog
/wxremove <GATE NAME> = Removes stargates
/wxforce -all = Resets stargates
/tempban <NAME> = Temporary ban
/mute <NAME> = Toggles mute on the player
/kick <NAME> = Simplest weapon against asshats
/home <NAME> = As mods we can go to anyone's home, very useful.
/tele <NAME> = teleport
/tphere <NAME> = teleports them to you
/ban <NAME> <G(optional for global)> <REASON> = Global bans for serious offenses
- In case of a player hell-bent on causing mayhem, but you want to investigate further, a useful jail is in place at /warp spider. Simply /tphere into it and close the door.
World Edit
- BE CAREFUL WITH THESE. Anything over 15 has been known to crash the server.
/fixlava <RADIUS> = Fixes lava
/fixwater <RADIUS> = Fixes water
//drain <RADIUS> = Removes water
/lb rollback player NAME time 1day
(applies the rollback globally)
/lb rollback player NAME time 1day area 50
(a more specific approach)
World Guard
/region flag <ID> blocked-cmds /home,/spawn,/etc = Used to block commands
/region select <ID> = Used to select a region, can then be //expand(ed)
/region setparent <CHILD ID> <PARENT ID> = Will allow owner/member of child region to build without giving them access to the larger surrounding parent region. Applies all flags and permissions of parent region to child.
/region info <ID> =Gives info on region
/region delete <ID> = Deletes said region
/region define <ID> <OWNER NAME> = Creates a region
//expand <AMOUNT> <(optional qualifier n OR s OR e OR w OR u(up) OR d(down))>
/warp create <NAME> = Create a warp
/warp delete <NAME> = Delete a warp
/warp search <keyword> = Useful for finding lost warps
Restarting the server
- Use in case of emergencies:
- /dstop