Mod Manual: Difference between revisions

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An excerpt from our code of conduct:
An excerpt from our code of conduct:

"(We) define “griefing” as “intentionally ruining someone else’s play experience”, and includes things like spamming lava or water over structures, vandalizing structures to make people angry at you, or wholesale destruction without clear purpose."
- (We) define "griefing" as "intentionally ruining someone else's play experience", and includes things like spamming lava or water over structures, vandalizing structures to make people angry at you, or wholesale destruction without clear purpose.

Other things like setting your home in lava and then inviting everyone in to die, pushing afk players into death traps, breaking and entering homes, etc, are considered unsporting and may result in a griefing ban.
Other things like setting your home in lava and then inviting everyone in to die, pushing afk players into death traps, breaking and entering homes, etc, are considered unsporting and may result in a griefing ban.

Revision as of 18:48, 13 February 2012

Useful Commands


  • /kit modtools = gives all you need to succeed!
  • Wooden Sword = Right click to check regions
  • Wooden Axe = Left and Right click to assign positions
  • Wooden Pickaxe = Right click to check blocklog
  • Adminium block = place to check block log for that block (does not add an entry).


Allows you to open and modify the inventory of any player. This is a dangerous tool, plea

  • /openinv player


  • /pe list: list open petitions.
  • /pe new blahblah: create a new petition, "blahblah".
  • /pe close ticket text: closes a petition with the string 'text'.


  • /wxremove <GATE NAME> = Removes stargates
  • /wxforce -all = Resets stargates


  • /vanish: makes you invisible to players.
  • You cannot interact with the world while vanish'd. No item pickups, no mob kills, no door/button/lever, but no damage taken either, and mobs will ignore you.


  • /tempban <NAME> = Temporary ban
  • /mute <NAME> = Toggles mute on the player
  • /kick <NAME> = Simplest weapon against asshats
  • /home <NAME> = As mods we can go to anyone's home, very useful.
  • /tele <NAME> = teleport
  • /tphere <NAME> = teleports them to you
  • /ban <NAME> <G(optional for global)> <REASON> = Global bans for serious offenses, see [1] for global ban rules.
    • eg: /ban badplayer g griefer, ticket 1111
    • eg: /ban badplayer being an awful human being but not a griefer
  • In case of a player hell-bent on causing mayhem, but you want to investigate further, a useful jail is in place at /warp spider or /warp twsheart. Simply /tphere into it and close the door.

World Edit

  • BE CAREFUL WITH THESE. We recommend that you practice a bit to get a feel for how this works. It is very easy to accidentally create big chunks of hovering water, which could cause server lag issues. Especially be wary of things that change lighting, because Minecraft uses a lot of CPU to recalculate lighting. Lava is the worst offender, but water can cause problems when done high up over an area. Generally, only use this tool to fill whirlpools, or help players build underwater. Be aware that //fixwater and //fixlava ONLY do one single layer, and so don't fill underneath things, so they are inappropriate for eg re-filling a lake with a building in it.
  • /fixlava <RADIUS> = Fixes lava
  • /fixwater <RADIUS> = Fixes water
  • //drain <RADIUS> = Removes water


  • first, make a selection.
  • hourly.X up to 7: hourly snapshots, 1 = the :00 last, 2=before that. If now is 7:37, hourly.1 is 7:00, hourly.2 is 6:00, hourly.3 is 5:00.
  • daily.X up to 7: daily snapshots. It takes the oldest snapshot from roughly midnight the current day.
  • weekly.X up to 3: weekly snapshots from Sunday.
  • //restore hourly.1/world: restores the 'world' snapshot from hourly.1
  • //restore weekly.1/creative: restores the 'creative' snapshot from weekly.1


  • rollback alias: /rb player, defaults to 1 day. /rb player N will rollback N days.
  • /lb rollback player NAME since X day (applies the rollback globally to all loaded chunks only)
  • /lb rollback player NAME since 1 day area 50 (50 radius, NAME, 1 day)


  • /region flag <ID> blocked-cmds /home,/spawn,/etc = Used to block commands
  • /region select <ID> = Used to select a region, can then be //expand(ed) and then /region redefine(ed) <ID>
  • /region setparent <CHILD ID> <PARENT ID> = Will allow owner/member of child region to build without giving them access to the larger surrounding parent region. Applies all flags and permissions of parent region to child.
  • /region info <ID> =Gives info on region
  • /region delete <ID> = Deletes said region
  • /region define <ID> <OWNER NAME> = Creates a region
  • //expand <AMOUNT> <(optional qualifier n OR s OR e OR w OR u(up) OR d(down)or in the direction you are facing)>= can be done at time of region creation, or to include newly built areas that have escaped the protection area.


  • /warp create <NAME> = Create a warp
  • /warp delete <NAME> = Delete a warp
  • /warp search <keyword> = Useful for finding lost warps
  • /warp private <NAME> and /warp invite <Player> <NAME> = allows only the players invited and mod+ to use the warp.


  • /cremove - remove protection
  • /lwc admin forceowner player - force owner of chest to player (names are caps sensitive)
    • Does not work with unprotected chests, as they have no database entry.

Restarting the server

  • Use in case of emergencies:
  • /dstop


What Constitutes Griefing?

An excerpt from our code of conduct:

- (We) define "griefing" as "intentionally ruining someone else's play experience", and includes things like spamming lava or water over structures, vandalizing structures to make people angry at you, or wholesale destruction without clear purpose.

Other things like setting your home in lava and then inviting everyone in to die, pushing afk players into death traps, breaking and entering homes, etc, are considered unsporting and may result in a griefing ban.

Region Protection Guidelines

Local or Global?

Mute or Kick?